Friday, October 14, 2005

planning my jail break

(yes, yes, yes, i'm procrastinating again--this is what happens when i have to grade student papers.)

so, i don't know how i feel about this: i've been dithering about when i would leave ithaca i.e. how much time i want to spend in the cornell libraries before getting free of this place. then i finally decided that you know what, i don't care, i'll take off as soon as the library closes for christmas break. too late. one week, and all the seats are gone.

i've been on the phone with three travel agencies today, and so now because i waited about a week to make up my mind, the soonest i can fly is jan 17!!!!! which means:

1) i won't be in kuala lumpur when rushil and luna will be visiting the city over the new year.

2) i can attend rushil's and luna's wedding reception in queens on the 14th!

(secretly, i'd much rather be with them during their ceremony in kathmandu, but queens will have to be exotic enough since i'm living on a graduate student stipend.)

3) i will see alake and others at the new york reception

4) i can probably feed petra, kim's cat, when dan's with her inmalawi

5) i need to find housing for jan 1 to jan 12/13

what i'd really like to know is . . . who's all them folks who're flying to malaysia at this time????!!!!!! and finally, can i face another winter break at cornell??

well, at least i can pass myself off as a super-hardworking and ultra-dedicated grad student to the profs on my committee. God forbid they ever come across this blog.

personality test

take the test:

my personality type:

Sometimes I wonder if the results are who we really are or who we'd really like to be. Surprisingly, I seem more cut out to be an engineer rather than a literature teacher. Hmm. Well, it's too late for a career change at this point, and I think anyway that literature professors are too-often misunderstood. :)

Sunday, October 09, 2005

shopping for a wedding gown

No, I wasn't shopping for a wedding gown for myself . . . Dilkushi, Jennifer and I helped my roommate, Kim, pick out a beautiful gown. I can't put up a picture of Kim in her fabulous gown because Dan might chance on this blog and he's not supposed to see her in it before the wedding day.

Comp Lit partners in crime

Two fabulous women in Cornell Comp Lit: Shital and Tsitsi! We started in the prog in the same year. Yup, only three of us in our class. Aren't they just beautiful??