Saturday, April 30, 2016

Love language

Gift from a friend. I'm not sure I will use it because I might break it.

But it reminds me of the friendships that have developed over the last four years or so, and how these women have spurred me on toward love and good deeds.


Had chats with some of the girls from my old home group yesterday, and this morning. My close friends here keep saying that I've changed a lot. I don't see it so much.....maybe a little. But they say it's very marked.

But you know, if I have changed, it is not only God's work, but God working through his church. He brought people very different from me into my life, and they accepted who I was. That gave me freedom to think about taking small steps. Without them, I probably wouldn't have.

Now I know just how important his church is.

The people God is bringing around me during this season--at work, friendships, and the church--are modeling kindness and gentleness by treating me kindly, and gently. But they also urge me and remind me to be kind and gentle with myself and others. You can't yell someone into kindness and gentleness. You can't demand that they become kinder and gentler. And you can't expect someone to become that. It's God's work, after all.

Friday, April 29, 2016


So in the past year or two, my institution has started setting up mentoring relationships. I think this has been mostly Boss' initiative, but I could be wrong about that. Anyway. Boss was meant to find me a mentor last summer or even last spring, but he didn't get around to doing it until recently. I met with Mentor today, and it's really funny, but I felt like a bull in a china shop around him.

Boss is great and has taught me a lot because he's very productive and gets a ton done, but he's also calm and quiet, and very kind. During our earlier conversations, Boss asked me to suggest a few people who might be mentors, and based on my limited conversations with senior colleagues, I threw out a few names. Boss picked none of these people, and assigned a stranger to me, who, as it turns out, is even calmer and quieter than Boss is.

I suppose it stands to reason that I would've talked to more extroverted colleagues if I'm meeting people in hallways, and will more than likely missed getting to know the more introverted ones because us introverts prefer to escape unnoticed.

But I'm really glad, first, that I finally have an official mentor who seems sensible, has integrity, and seems eager to help. And second, I'm thankful I have a mentor who reminds me through his bearing, speech, and temperament that I may benefit from slowing down and speaking more carefully.

(My writing needs to be snappier, louder, and more forceful, but I could carry myself a little differently.)

on writing again

Writing is terrifying. You never know when you're going to get stuck, and maybe some people know how to get unstuck, but I can't always see a pattern to my getting unstuck.

I do often get unstuck when I read good writing. Sometimes, it's reading good academic books, but sometimes, it's reading good news articles or personal essays. I must make more time for personal essays. But mostly because I like them so much. Maybe I should design a class around that.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Insider goodies

My Korean colleague gave these to me. Apparently, they are new and limited edition. The yellow packaging is banana-flavored choco pie. I haven't tried the original flavor, but the banana-flavor is weird....

Monday, April 25, 2016

mishaps and aging

Slipped on a wet surface and sprained my knee last Tuesday night. Sent to the ER, or A and E, the next morning. Been focused on pain management since then. Back in the office for the first time as walking really, really hurts. To be precise, hobbling really hurts. Finally feeling hopeful today and hope to make it to the alternative doctor tomorrow for more help.

Do not slip on wet surfaces.

Sprains hurt like hell and they take forever and a day to get better.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Henri Nouwen

Timely, because work life is all about being judged:

When we are spiritually free, we do not have to worry about what to say or do in unexpected, difficult circumstances. When we are not concerned about what others think of us or what we will get for what we do, the right words and actions will emerge from the center of our beings because the Spirit of God, who makes us children of God and sets us free, will speak and act through us.

Jesus says: "When you are handed over, do not worry about how to speak or what to say; what you are to say will be given to you when the time comes, because it is not you who will be speaking; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you" (Matthew 10:19-20).

Let's keep trusting the Spirit of God living within us, so that we can live freely in a world that keeps handing us over to judges and evaluators.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Romans and Deep Water Bay Race

So full of extroverts

Friday, April 15, 2016


Lost two days of writing due to a computer glitch. Spent a whole day trying to recover changes with help of friends and technician. Gave up. Now revising what I've already revised. And have forgotten the new stuff I did write.

Why? Why??? Why.....

So painful. Makes me hate this process right now.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Gift from student

Pretty cool.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


This season, I'm learning that I don't respond well to electronic correspondence that are typed in more aggressive tones than their authors probably mean them. For example:

"Why are you still so stressed?? You should be happier now!!! Stop being stressed!!!!"

That. Just. Doesn't. Work.

Now, if the author had written this:

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling anxious. I don't know what's causing you to feel that way, but I hope you can figure out how to relax a little more. It might help you be more productive too. Let me know if I can help in any way."

Yeah. I would certainly prefer seeing the second message to the first one.

And here's a different example of a stress-producing communicative:

"You know, you just don't have much time, and you really need to get them to do XXX because everything hangs in the balance. And what if something goes wrong? Then you really need to have YYY lined up."

This second example isn't so terrible, especially compared to the first example. But here's how I might rewrite that message:

"Oh hey, that's great news! There are still challenges ahead and you're not out of the woods yet, but this is certainly positive! The next step would be to emphasize that you need XXX. I would also consider plans such as YYY just in case something unexpected happens. The unexpected has happened a few too many times to be uncommon, really. That way, you would have all your bases covered. But good job, and full steam ahead!"

I mean, we all want the same results, right? In both examples, messages No. 2, i.e. the fantasy re-write, would motivate me in more positive ways. After both messages No. 1, I just had to check-out of the world for awhile just to re-center and get my bearings again.

On the one hand, Poster 1 is angry that I'm stressed. And Poster 2 thinks that I'm not stressed out enough. Crazy making, folks. Cra-a-a-a-z-i-e-e-e making.

And thankful for friends who do share their experiences with me in more positive language even if what they talk about isn't always so positive. And even more thankful for friends who help me translate some of the negativity into terms that aren't going to mess with my head.

A friend in the corporate world just told me that she has started a spreadsheet to keep track of who's being negative or cursing. LOL. I'm not sure I want to do that, but it makes for a funny story.



Poster of Example No. 1 above sent me a forward yesterday with the heading: "Practical for People with Problems!"

Are you effing kidding me? "Hey YOU! You're a person with problems!! Listen up!" How rude, and disrespectful, and demeaning.

Corporate Friend helped me with a positive rewrite because I was so offended I couldn't see a way out. Her rewrite is, "Practical tips for a happier life."

See? How do we live without our friends?

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

i love my people

My mentor's advice to me this week: "Don't do anything illegal. Or immoral."

Monday, April 04, 2016

Ten Years

Watching the film on the streets was uncomfortable because it was so crowded and I couldn't see the whole screen, but I came away feeling more plugged in to the community. I was really impressed with the community organizers.

The film itself didn't break any ground aesthetically, but the last three shorts were prescient. Glad I watched it, and glad I watched it on the streets.

Sunday, April 03, 2016

The Document

I sent the document to a friend who read one of the earliest draft and she said that it's so much more lucid now and it's clear that I have put a great deal of work into it. She said I should be proud of what I have done. Steve D said it was "completely good" and the boss thinks it's in "good condition."

I hope others who don't care about me personally feel the same way too.

Horrible, horrible food poisoning at 5.30am. No dragon boat practice for me. I was so looking forward to meeting my new teammates.

Saturday, April 02, 2016

Ding dong ding dong ding

I go from "I hate this!!" to "I love my life" and back to "This is the worst thing ever" within days. My life is totally nuts. Or am I totally nuts?

Lord, have mercy.