Friday, June 28, 2013

the T word

You know what I like best about being a tourist? Not having any responsibilities.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Every time we have to make a decision, the dept starts to fight. And while I understand why this one colleague of mine gets really angry, I also think said colleague needs to learn to deal with all that anger. I feel like I need to buy an energy crystal for my office after I read said colleague's emails!

Just to feel a little better myself, I have to look at pictures such as this one:

I don't like inside-pets, but who wouldn't at least want to sleep cheek by jowl with this puppy??

Sunday, June 09, 2013


One of my friends from baddy told me last night that I need to be stronger or people will walk all over me. (Yes, competitive baddy on a club level is extremely political and complicated, go figure.) I almost laughed in her face because people usually find me fierce.

I'd like to think that I am learning to be meek on court. It's harder to be meek in other areas of life, but this is a step in the right direction.

I joined a new home group last August, but took a break during the spring semester because my teaching schedule was overwhelming. The minute classes I ended, I was back with this home group, and I'm glad because I feel like I'm really connecting with them now. That is, I'm learning to be vulnerable with them. Horrors!

Monday, June 03, 2013

happy monday

Someone shared this pic on FB, and I just had to repost this. You can't help smiling when you look at this picture!!