Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas Day

This time I was fed by colleagues.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

on friendship (again)

I was chatting with one of my closest friends and work buddies on messenger, and I said, "Don't worry for now, we'll chat after Christmas and let's reflect on the year then."

And she said, "Wait, are you saying that we should stop communicating until after Christmas?"

And I thought, "Girl, you're kidding right? You're like another part of my brain. I can't go that long without talking to you!"

That's a bit of a joke, but not really. I guess we've come to rely on one another quite a bit over the last few years especially as we're going through the same work challenges. But I realized that I do have a few friends who are this to me. I don't even have a word for them.

Part of what I need to learn is to rely on the Holy Spirit first. And I do know that M or Y can't always be there for me, and that I can't tell them everything.

But it's a real blessing to have friends you know will not bite your head off or judge you even when you're wrong. Because hey, we're all wrong sometimes and that's okay.

People who don't have friends like these.... I don't know how they get through life.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017

What is your anything's possible prayer?

Sermon Audio | Flourish | Anything's Possible | John Ortberg,

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Spiritual exercise

Trying to memorize verses by copying them down over and over again.

Monday, December 11, 2017


In my prayer director's discipleship class yesterday, we had to draw a pie chart of what we spend our time thinking about. (That’s an awkward sentence but I'm too tired to fix it.) 

I was embarrassed to show mine because most of my time was not spent on thinking about work but about the future. If I think about work that’s at least useful, but thinking about the future is the most useless habit possible. 

My prayer director noted that that's a response to fear, and she's right.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017


Just in case I come across as too much of an Eeyore, I just wanted to say that so far, this week has turned out to be a good week. And it's only Wednesday!

I received affirmation about the work that I'm producing (thanks for the ML_ invite in January, D___h! You're not very promising but it is a privilege and an honor!).

And my new chair is being supportive by giving me more time to focus on work. It's been a sea change around here in the past 2-3 years and I can only hope that everything will work out in its time.

I give thanks for the good gifts, but the final results are in God's hands. Whatever will be, is already in His will. Whatever happens, I will praise Him and trust Him.

Saturday, December 02, 2017

On how to respond to fear

"I pray that no matter what life throws your way, you would honor God, give him space to move in your life, and run toward the roar with all your heart until you stand before him face to face," Levi Lusko, Through the Eyes of a Lion, pp 179.

Friday, December 01, 2017