Saturday, July 29, 2006

neverending . . .

I still have coughing fits!!!! It's been over 2 weeks now!!!!!!

My mother thinks I need fish oil . . . She force-fed fish oil to me when I was a kid . . . until the day I threw up 2 seconds after she forced one big yucky, gross, disgusting spoonful down my throat.

I hate fish oil. And besides, it's cruel to the fish. Why deprive fish of their oil? Such evil does not become me. I'll just keep on coughing.

After chatting with a friend over MSN, I realized that I've been sick about 6 times since coming back in January, and every time I'm sick, I'm sick for 10 days, which means I've been sick for SIXTY (60) days of my time at home!!!!!!!!!!

My friend thinks it's the pollution here. Sigh.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Faith and immigrants

This article challenges us to live out our faith politically and socially. I'm still struggling with coming to terms with such issues esp in relation to some of our Southeast Asian neighbors. Of course, the issue is more complicated than I'm giving it credit for in this posting.

But the fact remains that Christ calls us to welcome the strangers among us.

Thanks again to Sivin for the link to the website where the article comes from!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

living in tension

Two people (who don't know one another)reminded me within days of each other that our lives will probably never be free from tension. That we will be torn between passions, needs, or circumstances is not unusual, and it'll probably be the case most of the time.

They were really helpful.

Thanks Sivin for the sex and cash theory!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What we can do (re UPM incident)

Add: 3, Jln 5/58, Tmn Gasing Indah, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Tel / Fax: 03-77839525

Anda boleh menghubungi orang-orang berikut untuk memberi tekanan kepada
mereka untuk menghentikan sebarang penindasan dalam kampus.

1. Major Feisal bin Awang (019-2218548)
Head of UPM Security Department
Security Department UPM
43400 UPM Serdang.
Tel : 03-8946 6114 / 8946 6116Faks : 03-8943 3468

1. Prof. Dr. Nik Mustapha bin R. Abdullah
Naib Canselor UPM
Pejabat Naib Canselor, Canseleri
UPM43400 UPM Serdang.
Tel : 03-8946 6001/ 8946 6002/ 8948 6888Faks : 03-8948 3244
Emel :

1. YB Dato' Mustapa bin Mohamed
Minister of Higher Education
Ministry of Higher EducationBlok E3, Parcel E,
* *Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62505 Putrajaya.
Tel : 03-8883 5000Faks : 03-8889 3921 Emel

Kami juga meminta anda melapor polis terhadap kes-kes penindasan di kampusUPM yang berlaku dalam beberapa minggu tersebut.Untuk maklumat selanjutnya, anda boleh menghubungi Lee Huat Seng,019-3471016.

Yang benar,
Lee Huat Seng
Secretary of International Affairs
Malaysian Youth and Students Democratic Movement(DEMA)

Lua Khang Wei
Gabungan Anak Muda dan Pelajar, JERIT(GAMP)

*Contoh Surat**


** *Kami/ Saya daripada ____________________ membantah tindakan pihak KumpulanAspirasi UPM dan Jabatan Keselamatan yang membuli dan mengancam keselamatan mahasiswa dari Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju, UPM. Kami dimaklumkan, bahawa beberapa mahasiswa dari Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju( GMM) , Universiti PutraMalaysia (UPM) telah dikasari dan diancam keselamatan oleh pihak KumpulanAspirasi UPM dan juga tindakan ini dibenarkan oleh Jabatan KeselamatanUniversiti Putra Malaysia. Kami berpendapat dua tindakan ini iaitu membulidan mengasari ahli Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju adalah satu tindakan jenayah dan menyalahi undang-undang. Kami dimaklumkan, pada 17/7/06 (Isnin), lebih kurang jam 6.30pm . beberapa pelajar Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju UPM (GMMUPM) telah membuka KaunterPerkhidmatan Perkhidmatan Pelajar di kafeteria Kolej 12 ,UPM , untuk membantu mahasiswa terutamanya mahasiswa baru dalam apa-apa masalah yang dihadapi oleh mereka sama ada di sekitar kawasan UPM ataupun kolej kediaman mereka.

Kami berpendapat khidmat dan usaha yang cuba dilakukan oleh mahasiswa ini kepada mahasiswa baru adalah sesuatu yang patut diberi galakandan sokongan tetapi sedihnya pada jam lebih kurang 7.00 pm, lebih 50 orangpelajar yang dikenali sebagai ahli Kumpulan Aspirasi, UPM dikatakan telah mengepung 7 orang ahli Gerakan Mahasiswa Maju , UPM. Kumpulan pelajar tersebut dikatakan diketuai oleh Eddy Azuan (nombor matrik: 121896). Kumpulan pelajar tersebut dikatakan berkelakuan seperti samseng. Mereka menjerit dengan kuat dan menghentak meja dengan kuat dan kasar.Mereka merampas risalah serta menghalau ahli Gerakan MahasiswaMaju, UPM dan meminta mereka beredar dari situ dalam tempoh masa 10 minit. Apabila ahli GMM tidak beredar dari situ, kumpulan Aspirasi ini menarik kerusi dan mejayang menyebabkan ahli GMM terjatuh. Pelajar samseng itu juga menolak dan mengasari ahli GMM, UPM .

Seorang pemberita daripada Merdekareview.comtelah diteriak di tepi telinga dengan kuat, ditolak, dirampas pen dan kameranya telah rosak ketika dirampas oleh kumpulan pelajar samseng. Segelintir pelajar samseng telah bertindak dengan kelakuan tidak senonoh terhadap pelajar perempuan GMMUPM. Apabila insiden ini semua berlaku, pegawai keselamatan UPM dikatakan tidak membuat apa- apa walaupun bantuan telah diminta.

Maka pihak pelajar terpaksa menelefon polis untuk menyelamatkan keadaan. Insiden ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa tindakan kumpulan Aspirasi ini dibuat dengan sokongan Jabatan Keselamatan UPM. Insiden 17/7/2006 bukannya insiden pertama ahli GMM, UPM dibuli dan dikasari dikawasan UPM. Pada 11/7/2006 pun mereka telah dikasari oleh kumpulan yang sama dibantu dengan Pegawai Jabatan Keselamatan UPM. Kami/ saya ___________________________________ menuntut, pihak universiti memberhentikan tindakan membuli dan mengasari mahasiswa GMM, UPM. Tindakan mengancam keselamatan pelajar adalah satu tindakan jenayah. Pihak Universiti harusnya memastikan pelajar universiti dapat bergerak dan membuat aktiviti mereka dengan bebas. Adalah menjadi tanggungjawab pihak universiti untuk menjaga keselamatan mahasiwa bukannya mengancam mereka. Kami juga menuntut pelajar kumpulan Aspirasi Universiti yang terlibat dalam insiden ini diambil tindakan.

Yang benar,* ** (Nama) *

Friday, July 21, 2006

how to suppress discussions on racism

This made me laugh, but it also made me angry . . . simply because it happens.

heckling at UPM

Really disturbing incident.

Details at:

Check out the video at:

Still, our response should be that of love, grace, and multiple kindnessess. But first, hide-away and deal with the fear, anger, and sorrows . . . :)

Received emails from Malay friends who were flabbergasted and disgusted by what they saw in the video; that helped too.:)

UPM was also the university that implemented the hugely controversial Ethnic Relations Course--controversial because of its bias and inaccuracy. The textbook has been withdrawn, and a new committee consisting of key Malaysian historians and other academics will draw up a new "guide book." See this blog for more info.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

power and control

Nope, I'm not in an abusive relationship, but I came across this image and thought it would be a good reminder of what constitutes as "abuse."

I was actually going to blog about why I hate being sick and was searching for an image to go with the entry when I found the Power and Control Wheel. Click on the image to enlarge. Most women's centers and counselors should have a copy of this.

Blogging about a miserable cold now will just be too anticlimactic. Oh well, next time, I guess. Hopefully I will fall sick only 6 months from now . . . that doesn't sound likely given my current track record of one cold every 4-5 weeks, and with the onset of The Haze, that rate might actually increase.

But given all the different things that are going around the world, my life is a life of privilege. (I always remind myself of that, and sometimes it makes me feel better in a kind of perverse way . . . . Should thinking about others' miseries help us feel better about our joys???)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

koff koff koff . . . HAAAAACCCCKKKK

I am sick again. I am so sick of being sick!! The humidity must be harboring all the cold germs and keeping them alive beyond their use-by date. Anyone with a replacement respiratory system, let me know. I'll buy it off you.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Psalms Twister

Sounds like a great game!! Wanna play?

read the news?

Horrible news coming out from the Middle East and West Asia. Don't understand war, and can't see myself ever agreeing that a war should be started.

News currently surfacing on sexual terrorism also turns my stomach. Maybe soldiers should be c_str_t_d before they're sent to fight . . . or maybe the people who send soldiers into battle should be c_str_t_d . . .


Monday, July 10, 2006

Departure Date Confirmed!

Leaving Kuala Lumpur, Aug 14, 8:50am.

(4-day stopover at Stockholm)

Arriving New York City, Aug 17, 7pm.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

P & R

A couple of my friends got married yesterday (to one another), and the ceremonies went really well. The schedule was crazy:

6am: I got a cryptic sms from the bride asking me to bring sweets . . . I thought that there was some obscure Chinese custom we had to follow and panicked because I couldn't imagine going out to buy nice candy that early in the morning. It turns out she just wanted me to bring mints along for the day so she and the groom wouldn't get bad breath. They didn't get bad breath.

8:30am: After a few calls to the groom's party asking them NOT arrive at the bride's house on time because we were late preparing their breakfast (bittergourd jelly, wasabi vanilla ice-cream, apple-cider shots, and multiple-sugars cocktail), and random other latenessess. The groom succeeded in "liberating" the bride from her "exile," (as he called it) and the tea ceremonies at both bride's and groom's houses went off well.

11:40am: I managed to walk down the aisle (as bridesmaid) without tripping. Haha! I broke my chiropractor's rule and wore high heels (that weren't that high) to walk down, but immediately took them off when I got to my pew seat. No one stood up to object to the marriage, vows were recited, and the bride was kissed.

about 2pm: After final photo sessions, the bridal party finally went down for some lunch (the yummy pasta was all gone--it was apparently delicious) . . . had two bites and then noticed that the bride was going round mingling, so i went to help her with her dress, and then discovered that the organizing committee was tussling with a problem and went up to help but of course, I wasn't much help.

4:30pm: We finally got to the hotel after a belated quick lunch at the groom's house, and a battle against pollen smears (we lost). Showered and managed to rest for a bit before I went to the bridal suite to keep the bride company while the make-up artist fixed her hair and make-up for the dinner. Hand-fed the bride a banana while she fielded last minute organizational calls.

8pm: After much impatient waiting about by the bride, she finally made her grand entrance to the dinner.:):) Everything went really well; everyone looked beautiful and happy. The photographers got together a slide show of pictures from the day's events, and they were amazing--really the best wedding pictures I've seen.

1:30am: Finally got home, but after-party celebrations ended only at about 3:30am.

Too tired to write anymore now. Get details from the others.

Today: I actually woke up in time for church. The new wife is now down with a sore throat and cold, and I think I caught it too. How many did she infect last night during her rounds of toasting, kissing, and hugging??

What I liked best about the day was being able to watch how the bride enjoyed her day. She was so joyful, and radiant, and excited (I don't think I've ever seen her that excited!!), and bubbly, and beautiful. I'm so glad to have been part of their day, I really am.

. . . especially after all that angst about having to dress-up and put make-up on . . . it really was worth it. :):):)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

random lists

Got this off Uncle Paul's site. More procrastination . . . (clap clap clap!)


1. Martin Luther King Jr.
2. GK Chesterton
3. Dato' Onn bin Jaafar
4. Bailey and Dr Yang from Grey's Anatomy
5. Johnny Depp


1. Broadband internet (that's connected to my laptop, of course!)
2. Badminton gear and regular games (with good ppl, hehehe)
3. GOOD FOOD, preferably Asian (if I really had to choose . . . bak kut teh, I think)
4. A good library (Cornell has over 7 million volumes! and there's inter-library loan!)
5. In KL, a car; in Ithaca, a cell-phone


1. Speak without fear, but also with grace and gentleness
2. Remember jokes and funny stories
3. Make a decision quickly and without agonizing over every possible outcome
4. Understand Derrida or Hegel or Kant on the first quick read (but I actually like Uncle Paul's "Understand everything I read!" . . . I just didn't want to copy him!)
5. Play (and win!) at international-level badminton tournaments


1. A job that pays decently, has high job satisfaction, but isn't too stressful and time-consuming 2. To be able to choose not to work :):)
3. To be able to sleep through the night without waking up even once
4. An environmentally-friendly vehicle that never breaks down and self-upgrades, and that will take me anywhere I want over land, water, and sky.
5. A multi-billionaire's home and playground (along with the maintenance crew) so I can invite friends over for holidays.


1. Any song by Stuart Townend
2. "Held," Natalie Grant
3. "Complete," Parachute Band
4. "Hear Us from Heaven," Vertical Worship
5. "You are Holy (Prince of Peace)," Marc Imboden


1. I have a super-straight back and don't feel muscle fatigue AT ALL (unlike now)
2. I will have stopped moving house every year (hopefully because I have my own apt!!)
3. Spending some time at Regent?
4. Only a little less fit than I am right now???
5. Still reading books . . . .


1. I am unable to learn how to dance. Don't offer to teach me; I'm telling you, I can't dance.
2. Despite having a fear of heights, I've gone downhill skiing, snowboarding, wall-climbing, and sitting on a piece of cardboard, I've slid down a very, very, very high sand-dune (wiped out halfway and ended up with sand in every uncovered orifice). I will never go bungee-jumping.
3. I once liked the color blue--nearly every item of clothing I owned then was some shade of blue.
4. I love pulut hitam, and don't much care for red bean soup.
5. Long-term exposure to cats makes me sneeze violently and uncontrollably.


1. I like to write.
The Truth: I hate writing. The process is difficult, torturous, and time-consuming. I think people who like to write need to have their heads examined.

2. I am really lazy.
The Truth: It's true most of the time, but not all the time.:)

3. I am a workaholic.
The Truth: I was a workaholic.

4. I don't like men (I know one guy who actually thought that, but it was him I didn't like)
The Truth: Some of the people I trust the most are guys, and I always have great guy friends around. I must admit I'm very impatient with certain kinds of guys though (e.g. those who think they are God's gift to mankind, and those who think women have been created lesser beings).

5. I want to have a high-flying career and be super-successful.
The Truth: This is the biggest misconception of all. I just want a quiet, easy life. I don't like the pressures of having to "make it" (whatever that means!) and be seen as someone well-known or powerful. I really, really, really don't care about that kind of stuff at all.