Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teach, teach

Sometimes, I really have to work hard to remind myself not to take things personally even when others make it really hard for me to not take things personally. Hey, I was young once too, and I probably annoyed and lashed out at people I respect and care about, right?

Anyway, here's a great comic on teachers and their work.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Unfortunately, you really need to identify people who are toxic in your life and keep them at arm's length. Toxic people are those who expect you to give while they offer you nothing in return. They assume that by allowing you to serve them and their needs, they have granted you the biggest favor in the universe. After all, you should be grateful for the opportunity to be in their august presence!

I hope I never become a toxic person to someone else.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

remnants of Typhoon Haiyan

The devastation in the Philippines sounds surreal. How can a storm do so much damage? We're getting the last bits of Typhoon Haiyan today and tomorrow, but that means only Force 4-5 winds and some rain. I'm really thankful that HK does not have a history of landslides or whatnot because HK island at least is all hill!

Can't wait for the semester to end. I have a lot of wonderful students this semester, but I am pretty tired of teaching.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Beach day

I really should go to the beach more. I feel tired out from being out in the wind and sand.