Tuesday, December 13, 2005

no more car

Had to sell my trusty (tan+rusty) Toyota Corolla station-wagon today. :( Storing it in a friend's garage for the 7 months I'll be gone sounded like it would be too much for my friend even though she said it would be okay. So, thank God someone wanted to buy it.

Never realized before just how dependent I've become on a car--getting things done now takes a lot longer, and having to walk extensively during the Ithacan winter (today it's -7 deg C w/o windchill, and -15 deg C with windchill) is . . . well, it must do something to one's soul.

1 comment:

  1. hey sze wei, didn't i take that picture of the beautiful girl and her trusty tan toyota? i, too, miss seeing the car and the bates sticker, and of course miss the woman behind the wheel since she left ithaca for homier malaysian stomping grounds. You!

    here's a virtual hug: (((z))))

    as an active carless ithacan - and badmitton neophyte - i'm glad for the exercise walking brings. i just bought a cheap pedometer and clocked 2.73 miles walking about town buying groceries and books. all that walking adds up!

