Thursday, March 23, 2006

married???? free???

So, an old, long-lost friend just asked me (see comments in the blog entry below) if I am "married" or "free" (btw, he's earned the tag of old married man, so it wasn't anything more than curiousity), and he said that it's hard to tell from my blog.

Wow. Well . . . hmmm. If Wesley's still checking my blog, he's probably rolling on the floor laughing right now. (Wesley graduated from the Guys Should Know These Basic Things Training School run by sisters of the Cornell Int'l Christian Fellowship, Ithaca, NY, USA, but he should definitely return for further studies from time to time.)

Well, I agree with Alwyn that it's sometimes hard to tell if people are in a romantic relationship or not.

Btw, this is a photo of two very old friends (I've known Kim Sun since we were 10 years old, and Irene has been a screaming buddy since we were 12-ish). She complains that I'm really really loud, and I agree with her. If I weren't loud, she wouldn't have quite so much fun, even if she refuses to admit it.

Okay, I'm going out for a run right now. I've just been told I need to lose more weight. One of these days, I'll take a picture of the monkeys swinging on the trees in my "backyard." They are real cute.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Baby Ethan's bday

Ethan Dunn turns two! He's the son of Francis and Mabel, and we all graduated from Bangsar Gospel Center's youth group (Francis is still the leader there though). I was an annoyance with my camera again . . . got many a scolding. :( :(

Friday, March 10, 2006

Chinese New Year (yes, I know it's late)

This is my family, celebrating the New Year back in Taiping, the small mining town in which both my parents spent their childhood.

The second picture is one of us with our grandparents. The tall boy in the black t-shirt to my right is my baby cousin Jae Han. The last time I was home, he was at least a head shorter than me, so imagine my surprise when he walked in the door. As kids, we carried him around like a little baby monkey! And now, he tells me I'm too long-winded in my blog. My baby cousin. Tsk tsk.

Monday, March 06, 2006

This is what I do. Everyday. Whenever. Wherever.