Wednesday, November 17, 2010

transition again

No, I'm not really going anywhere. I'm just marking the point when I began to think seriously about having to step up to the plate and take care of people whom I usually think of my caretakers in general. No, this is not really about my parents but it will be in the future. I'm not exactly responsible for taking care of another adult at this point but I had to think about it in the past few days and it was terrifying.

The thought provoked emotional distress for reasons that cannot be named in public but since I don't have to assume too much responsibility for my parents--which will be emotionally difficult--immediately, I have time to prepare myself for the eventual day.

What started me on all this? Something very small happened and I'm glad it did because my emotional reaction was overblown and consequently, I was forced to stop and think about it. I'm glad I'm thinking about this now because if something unexpected like a sudden illness had happened, I would have been completely unprepared to become the adult I will eventually have to become.


  1. Major and important milestone in your life! It is a scary responsibility

  2. terrifying. :)
