Wednesday, September 19, 2012

new experiences

The air in my new office still makes me sick. They opened up the ceiling yesterday to do more tests. Haven't heard back about those.

Will co-lead Team D of the welcome team for church.

Have continued to meet new people through badminton. The guy in the import-export business is helping a friend market kinesiology tape so he gave me a roll for free. The tape is supposed to increase blood circulation so that muscles in the affected area can recover more quickly. The first strips I cut were too long, so now I have green tape running from my right wrist to the bottom of my right shoulder blade, and from the left of my lumbar to the front right of my waist. Luckily, I don't have any meetings or classes to go to this week.

I taped my muscles after a session of tuina massage so hopefully those muscles are getting a one-two punch. my right arm is feeling sore from the massage, so hopefully it'll recover more quickly because of the tape too. The coach from my Sunday club taught me how to grip the racket "correctly" and I spent 3 hrs trying to nail that new grip. I know I'm starting to get it right because certain muscles on my right forearm are really fatigued.

But am still missing my shots or hitting them weakly. If I don't make the adjustments soon, I'll prob be left out of the team for our upcoming competition--which would be a fair decision--so I'll be playing an extra day this week. I really need to figure this out soon!

Hike with the sports fellowship this Saturday morning, then a barbecue with another group of friends in the evening. Life is full.

Lots of thoughts recently about my witness for Christ. If I had to grade myself, I would give myself a C-. Lord, have mercy.

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