Wednesday, November 21, 2012

moderating perfectionism

These days, I have to learn to be more moderate in my habits and routines, and loves and hates. I do think now that I have taken on a bit more than I should have this year, and while I enjoy serving in kid's club, guest services, and sports fellowship, I'd be happier if I didn't have so much on my plate. But being a part of all three also does reveal what makes me impatient, upset, or frustrated.

In kid's club, I am learning to be patient but also firm with our toddlers. Guest services is the most challenging area of ministry because I expect adults to behave like adults, and because this ministry is actually an "easy" way to serve. I still don't understand why it is so difficult for us to recruit volunteers, but there you have it. One of my friends who led this team for two years said yesterday that common sense is not so common, and that it is a good time to chip away at those perfectionist tendencies because I will be working with people from all stages of life. Being part of the sports fellowship committee is fun as I begin to get to know the two main leaders. Organizing activities can be very time consuming and tiring, but also rewarding. As I learn to trust my teammates, working with them will be more fulfilling.

I'm slowly learning to be patient in some of my friendships too. A good non-C friend suggested that I lower my expectations so that I won't feel hurt or annoyed by the people who let me down. After all, whatever I'm doing with my friends is supposed to be relaxing anyway, so why get stressed about it? I'd never thought of things in this light before. I suppose it makes sense. If what we're doing does not have high stakes, why get upset over it? Still, I'd appreciate it if my friends apologize when they are in the wrong....a heartfelt "sorry," is not that difficult to say, is it? I say it all the time, sometimes even when I shouldn't be sorry. (This does not put me on a moral high ground, it merely reveals how often I fail others.)

But life is what it is. This week, I'm out every single night of the week, and I have two different sets of friends visiting from different countries. Next week, another set of friends will be in town. Work is slowly picking up speed as deadlines approach and students begin reading more difficult texts. Thankfully, I have a bit of a break from ministry duties before they pick up again in mid-December.

I'm thankful for my life, but I look forward to my next quiet night at home alone, hopefully at the end of the month.

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