Tuesday, July 29, 2014

more dreams

Dreamed that I profited from the largesse of a college friend's cooking skills (Zoia C., by the way), and that, with another college friend (Michelle A.), I took over and lived in a tiny Hong Kong-style mall shop with glass walls all around.

So, what's my unconscious telling me? I don't really keep in touch with either Zoia or Michelle even if I do think they're both really wonderful women, and Zoia's more of an expert dancer rather than chef. I guess dreams don't really mean anything and I shouldn't put anything by them.

In the summer, it gets so hot here that water coming out of my kitchen taps are hot in the morning. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

the unconscious

I dreamed last night that I presented one of my current chapters to a bunch of non-academic friends, and they very uninterested, confused, and dismissive. One of my dissertation committee members was there and she tried to discuss it with me in a helpful manner, but I was even more embarrassed because she was there.

Oh boy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


On a hot and muggy summer night

Monday, July 14, 2014

Physical fatigue

I can't remember the last time I felt this tired after two days of working out; one day at the gym, and the second day on court. This is not unusual for me, but I have spent the last month and a half outside of my routines, so maybe that explains why my body is screaming today.

My entire body feels bruised.

And I cannot believe it's already mid-July. Where has my summer gone? I need to write. Come on, brain and body, get with the groove, please.

I'm glad that I won't be traveling for the rest of the year.

I feel like I've lost my drive for work, but I want to see the end of this project. I'm not writing the way I want to write, and I'd like a breakthrough. The break of travel was great because I did see some things differently and my brain wasn't trundling along the same old ruts.

But now, it's time to get back into a productive routine. Please?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Psalm 23:8

The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

and we're back

Had a great time at home! Always nice to be back and not really working, haha.

But oh, to get back on the wheel? So tough. I schedule reading days right after a trip but it doesn't feel like "real" work. Even though it is. I mean, how will I know what books to teach if I don't read new ones, right?

So why doesn't it feel like real work???

Update: okay, so if you're reading a more complex novel, it does feel like real work....

Updated update: okay, I had a nightmare thanks to that novel....

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Back home for a week

It's the dry season season now but it has rained every day the three days I have been here. So thankful for the blessing of rain!

There's nothing like lying in bed on a rainy evening. The rain soaked breeze here feels and smells different from everywhere else in the world.