Thursday, February 02, 2017

wonders of wonders

I bumped into my colleague down the hall after the CNY break, and she asked me, "Are you glad to be back?" "You mean to work?" "Yeah."

I thought about it for a second, and said, "Yes, actually I am!!"

Coming in earlier than others helped me get started on this week's revisions, and now I'm in the middle of the penultimate chapter, so there's none of the horrible omg-my-head-hurts-this-sucks pain associated with "getting started." Only one more chapter, and I am close to being done with this cycle. So yeah, I'm glad to be in my office today.

I think my colleague--very senior, white, woman who'll be returning to the U of Arizona by the end of this year, actually--just loves her work and that's what she meant by her question. I'm not so sure I can say at this point that I "love" my work. (My boss and other mentors would probably tell me to not think about this question for the present moment.)

But today, I love coming back to work because it gives me a very good reason to stop reading about what Trump is doing in his first two weeks. He is not a wise man. With no experience in either public policy, public service, or the law, he seems to think that he can do anything he wants.....but well, you know, there's a reason why experience matters. Bad policies--regardless of sentiment or good will--can have very bad effects.

If someone who doesn't understand the university comes in to run the university without consulting faculty, staff, and students.....that person will create chaos and hell for everyone involved. Even senior administrators who push through policies without consultation or deep thought can cause great misery. Common sense. No experience = study, listen, study, listen

No wonder the Bible affirms servant leaders.

But, back to work. And as difficult as it is, I will follow this lead:

"I am reading, listening, studying, and praying. I have chosen my way forward.
I will not do violence to you by my thoughts, words, or actions. I do not want to shame, humiliate, or harm you. I will pray for you, America, and myself.
I will not be passive. I will resist you with love and seek your good, not because I am especially fond of you but because I believe God loves you, even as God loves Muslims, immigrants and refugees, women, the disabled, and Mexicans.
I will not make my fight against you, other people, political parties, races, or religions. I will make my fight against injustice and the forces of darkness."

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