Friday, May 09, 2008

rain . . . sigh

Rain is good for the grass and other living things but I wish it would rain at night. I need more sun!!! And it would be nice to have more warm weather!!! It's May!! (I am thankful, however, that we don't get tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, or wildfires.)

I turned in a rough draft of Ch 4 . . . a grand total of 13 pages. AAAAAGGGGHHH.

Thankfully, Prof L got back to me this morning saying that it does look fine, and she also offered suggestions for how I might frame the chapter. I guess I just have to keep my shoulder to the plough and nose to the grind. And hope that I don't get too much blood on myself or the people near me.

I want to be like Prof L when/if I grow up to be a teacher!

A couple of my office-mates are having a barbecue tomorrow night! Fun! They live in an apt close to the lake too, so I can't wait! I hope we have a beautiful sunset.


  1. Anonymous9:01 PM

    NY state is on a fault line although not half as active as the San Andreas Fault in California. Two years ago, a tornado touched down in Westchester and had a near miss with my office building. I am thankful for avoiding/escaping these natural disasters.

  2. woah . . . thank god nothing bad has happened. the only bad weather experience i've had was the incredible ice-storm that hit maine three days after i first arrived in the US.

    bates lost power for a few days (we were on a hospital grid) and most of maine was out of power for a few weeks, i think.

    by the way, my friend introduced me to great sites: and!!! check them out, sy!!

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Ice storms are interesting, as long as power isn't cut out. Ithaca had a really beautiful ice storm my last winter aside, ice storms are dangerous.

    Actually in 2001 or 2002, there was supposed to be a Cat 4 hurricane aiming straight for Baton Rouge. My bro and I decided to stay in town anyway since it was 60 miles north of the coast. Overnight, the hurricane miraculously downgraded to Cat 1 and all we got was wind. God was good to us!
