Sunday, July 26, 2009


I just noticed that a couple of the guys who have "adopted" me as a younger sister in the faith like to crack jokes especially when they suspect I'm upset. The funny thing is, it works even when the jokes are lame!! I almost always feel better immediately. Of course, I may be imagining that they suspect that I'm upset--maybe they're just bumbling and insensitive--but regardless, I'm always glad that they do what they do.

PS - I say "adopted" because it's more a tacit understanding of sorts. (Or perhaps, the result of a too-lively imagination on my part.) The friendships are difficult to characterize. Like all friendships, respect is part of the story. But more importantly, I'm pretty sure they would be protective if there was ever a need for them to be protective. For someone who doesn't have real-live older brothers, that's nice to know . :)

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to have family away from family : )
