Saturday, July 04, 2009


Waking up--and staying awake--is becoming more and more difficult these days. But I do love my life and my work even if they're both in chaos still. I'm 30 and I still don't know where I'm going to settle down!! Strangely enough, this week, I found that thought very exciting. I'm excited about moving to HK in January! I'm sure I'll be learning a lot there!!

Friend M and I are going to take our bikes down to Santa M_nica tomorrow evening and we'll ride to V_nice Beach (about 20 mins) for dinner and hopefully we'll be able to see the July 4th fireworks set off in Marina D_l Rey. The organizer's website says that the fireworks are visible from V_nice Beach so hopefully that's true!!! I love fireworks . . . .


  1. Maybe your lethargy is also due to the hot summer weather?

  2. no . . . the sun is out most days now but we usually have a cool breeze with it . . . i now understand why ppl love southern california so much . . . . :)

  3. Happy 4th! Enjoy the fireworks.

    And remember how much you love the So Cal weather when you're thinking of where to settle down ; )
