Monday, May 24, 2010

exhausted again

Rough week with plenty to do but I'm more worried that I won't have the discipline to do what needs doing! Yes, I do work at the eleventh hour but this is cutting it close even for me. Here we go again!!

Fun things planned for the weekend: a proper windsurfing workshop and stand-up comedy. I should work hard so that I deserve those fun rewards.

I think I might need to go on an FB fast. Sigh.


  1. Stand up comedy? Attending a workshop? Now that is interesting. Blog on this one day soon!!

  2. :) you're enabling bad behavior, paul.

  3. FB will suck you in! Despite my best efforts, I seem to spend more and more time on there every day!

    Yeah, you work best at the 11th hour if I recall correctly ; )
