Monday, September 13, 2010

i need a vacation

I can't believe how busy the last couple of weeks have been and I'm hoping to finally settle into a rhythm soon. We all dread the first couple of weeks of school and I think that it's usually better once we get used to our schedules but at this point, I wonder if that is just wishful thinking or even a delusion I've convinced myself is true. This semester is brutal because I have 50 students in my MA class, and 40 in the undergrad class. (Both classes are full.) Next semester, the class that is capped at 50 is already full, but the class that is capped at 40 has low enrollments. I've been told I need to up it a little but haha, a part of it wants me to keep that low so that I won't have as much grading to do!!!!


  1. ditto on the vacation :-)

    at least large classes means you are doing well in academia?

  2. it's a good sign but teaching is only part of the "evaluation." research is more important and i haven't been doing so well in that area. need prayers!!

  3. I hope your classes stay small for you!

  4. But yeah, good luck this semester!
