Friday, November 12, 2010

almost there

TWO MORE WEEKS OF TEACHING and then I leave for a 3-week research trip in M'sia!! (My brother will be staying in my apt, so if there are any would-be burglars out there reading this post, please don't even try.) I know I shouldn't post about trips before I take them but I can't help it!!! I cannot wait for the semester to end!

Both my classes went very well this week but I'm tired of writing lectures, giving them, and of grading. I need a break! When I started the semester, I was writing 9-page single-spaced lecture notes. This week, I realized that I can actually get by on 4 pages. I guess I'm learning how to think and talk on my feet! At points, I realized that I didn't truly understand parts of the text myself until I had to figure out different ways to explain difficult concepts to the students.

I'm learning a lot from my time here but I'm tired and I still have two deadlines that I have to meet this week and I can't just waste time surfing the net today!!!! Please, God, let me be productive! All day meetings with MA students tomorrow (Saturday), so it looks like I'm still going to be pretty tired when Monday comes around. Sigh.


  1. Have fun on your trip! You're almost there : )

  2. Hope you have a good time (and a restful one too)
