Monday, February 14, 2011


I know something's wrong with me because I haven't been interested in politics for a few weeks now. Not even in Egypt and Tunisia!! I can't do more than read a paragraph or two and then I have to navigate away from the page.

My stomach's been queasy for about a week and the nurse just told me to stay away from dairy, oily food, and VEGETABLES. And there I was, buying lettuce because I thought veggies would do me good. Sigh.

Today has been a waste of time so far. Luckily, I'm not teaching today because I wouldn't have been able to concentrate. I need to start feeling normal again soon.....if only I knew how!


  1. So you get to eat lots of meat? mmmmm... but if it is boiled Yuck!
    Get well soon

  2. actually, no meat either....:( bread and rice! now i'm slowly moving to other kinds of food.
