Monday, April 11, 2011

fun, fun, fun....

I've had a fantastic weekend. Worked for part of Saturday, then met a new badminton group that is pretty good. After our three-hour session, we tried a new Thai restaurant with my XD partner, R, for the mini-competition at HKU next weekend. Fabulous red curry duck! Found out that R, a novelist in residency at the university, was Khairy Jamaluddin's college roommate!! Heard some gossip about KJ. Sunday, had breakfast with my cousin and her husband (visiting from Singapore), then church (boring sermon, sorry). After church, had lunch with a few church friends who also taught me to play bridge (addictive!). Rushed home for a quick session in the sauna (thought I was getting a bit sniffly, feel fine today, thanks to the sauna!!) before heading out to a dinner with HK's wing chun association (in honor of the very much dead founder, Ip Man). Got home, showered, rolled into bed.

I have a full life, I'm meeting really nice people, I have a few good friends with whom I can talk honestly, and I am getting a lot of regular, very fun, exercise.

Am I ungrateful for missing my old friends who are scattered all over the world?


  1. Nah ...enjoy your new friends! :-)

    Nice to "see" you happy

  2. :) thanks. an academic friend/mentor (kind of) whom i haven't seen in 5 years is giving a lecture at my dept, so i spent last night catching up with her. we finally said goodbye close to midnight. i had such a great time but i'm exhausted!! i am so glad when i see my old friends.

    she too said that she's glad that i'm doing well. :)
