Remember how I now have three mentors? Boss, Mentor 1 and Mentor 2. Boss assigned me Mentor 1, and Mentor 2 kind of adopted me this past month. As I explained in an earlier post, M2 has a very different personality from Boss and M1. He talks really fast, always seems to be excited, and radiates constant energy. Boss and M1 are energetic and very much alive too, don't get me wrong. But M2 is energetic in the way only the stereotypical American can be energetic, if you get what I mean. Every time I talk to him--which hasn't been too often--I feel like I need a nap. Just thinking about M2 makes me want to take a break and rest.
M2 is really coming through for me right now while Boss and M1 are away on vacation. He told me on Monday that he'll read a whole draft of the thingamajig if I turn it in to him next Monday. That will give him time to go through it before he gets on the plane again. I won't be able to give M2 a thingamajig that's at all polished. And he's said himself that he won't be helping me with my arguments, but he will take a look at how the project is pitched or framed. That's exactly what I need help with most at this point. (I'll fight the other battles later this month.)
So, I'm thankful. And this week is crazy busy.
But, I also noticed that I tend to absorb the energy of the people I interact with, too much for my own good, maybe. When interacting with Boss and M1, I become quieter. When I'm in the same room as M2 or colleagues like R (who is also American and high energy), I feel like I'm on a buzz and I have a hard time turning off that buzz. Isn't that strange?
And finally, for the 1000th time at least.....writing is so difficult. Ugh.
M2 is really coming through for me right now while Boss and M1 are away on vacation. He told me on Monday that he'll read a whole draft of the thingamajig if I turn it in to him next Monday. That will give him time to go through it before he gets on the plane again. I won't be able to give M2 a thingamajig that's at all polished. And he's said himself that he won't be helping me with my arguments, but he will take a look at how the project is pitched or framed. That's exactly what I need help with most at this point. (I'll fight the other battles later this month.)
So, I'm thankful. And this week is crazy busy.
But, I also noticed that I tend to absorb the energy of the people I interact with, too much for my own good, maybe. When interacting with Boss and M1, I become quieter. When I'm in the same room as M2 or colleagues like R (who is also American and high energy), I feel like I'm on a buzz and I have a hard time turning off that buzz. Isn't that strange?
And finally, for the 1000th time at least.....writing is so difficult. Ugh.
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