Friday, July 08, 2016

Things non-academic visitors say (that drive me up the wall)

People come to my city for their holidays but they FORGET that I AM NOT ON VACATION, and I CANNOT go on vacation every time people come in. Many people come through, and I'm glad to see them but I'm starting to feel like I can't do it anymore. I want to say yes to most people who want to be on my couch, but it can be tough even when everyone tries hard. Here's shit non-academics say:

"Oh, you set your own schedule?"

Yes, but I have freaking deadlines to make, so no, I can't go to work later just because you're lonely on what you decided was to be *your* solo trip. A solo trip is just that. Solo. You. On. Your. Own. 

No academic would say that because they understand the constant. Freaking. Anxiety.

"Oh! You're going to play badminton tomorrow night?"

Yes, I told you I've been off exercise and badminton for 3 freaking months because of my injury. This would be my first time in three months. Don't take away my reason for living. You're on a solo trip, remember? (See above.)

"So, when are you going on vacation this year?"

Not now. (See above.)

"How do I find my way to your apartment?"

I gave you the address. I asked you to be independent and you said, yes. Google map exists. Use it. (See above.)

"I'll go down with you."

Okay, ride the elevator down with me. Then see above.

"So, you go in early to work just to settle down."

Yes. I have my own way of working. I don't care if you understand it and I don't want to have to explain how I work to you. I really, really don't. No academic would even broach this topic.

I think I'm done with loaning out my couch this year. If anyone wants a vacation, bunking with a stressed out academic on a deadline is not it. Even when you're being well-behaved, I can sense the neediness. Not good. Think about why you decided to plan a solo trip. And keep that firmly fixed in your head. Talk about the weather. Talk about food. Talk about your shopping. And don't ask me about my work.

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