Tuesday, June 17, 2008

to the end

I will be turning in the final draft of the dissertation to my profs on July 5 and 7 (one prof needs it on the fifth and it will prob contain more typos and errors than the later version). My oral defense has been set for July 14. I'm so tired now that a part of me is happy to just turn in what I have now even though I have so much more to do!

Other than that, not much to report except that my cross-country reservations are almost all in place now. And I'm taking weekends to watch bad Hong Kong TV shows . . . I need something fun and mindless. One of my CF friends will be organizing a white-water rafting trip and I really hope that works out!


  1. Closer to completion ... slow but steady :-)

  2. today, i just met with one of my profs who hasn't been very helpful and we had a really productive conversation about my work. :) that made me really happy.

    because i'm trying to translate the concept of grace into secular terms, i had the opportunity to share the gospel with her when she asked "so, how does god forgive sinners?"

    i was so tired--still am really tired--and the question also caught me off guard, so my answer was serviceable but not elegant. sigh.

    but i am happy about that too. :)

  3. i was so tired--still am really tired--and the question also caught me off guard, so my answer was serviceable but not elegant. sigh. but i am happy about that too. :)

    Thus also illustrating how God is forgiving to sinners by accepting weakness and extending grace?

  4. Anonymous1:36 AM

    hey girl. i may visit cornell on saturday (28th) for a short day trip. want to meet up?

  5. paul: god will work, but next time, i hope to be readier for such opportunities. :)

    jlee: okay, just try to give me as much notice as you can! don't want to be in the gym when you call. :) don't think i have anything planned for june 28th at this point.
