Thursday, June 05, 2008


Dialysis in Malaysia costs about RM4,000 a month!!!!!! That's at least USD 1,200 a month in medical bills. My dad has to start treatment soon. Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm moving to a postdoc salary instead of a graduate student stipend.

Still, the postdoc doesn't pay that much for LA living expenses . . . I guess the belt will remain firmly cinched.


  1. Sorry to hear about your dad. Have to consider upping my medical insurance coverage:-(

  2. yeah, you should. it's truly scary. and if you don't buy it while you're healthy, you can't buy it when you're sick!!!

    it's a sad world.

  3. I have medical but now have to think of increasinf coverage and getting "trauma insurance" as well... It's so that you have money each month while you are sick and cannot earn.

    1 in 3 are expected to get a form of cancer ... and with NZ already an aging society ... govt can't keep up with subsidising medical costs...
