Wednesday, September 03, 2008

up and down

I think I have to be very careful in the next month or so. While I did take a break from work when my mom and sis were here, I realized today that I am still stressed out by the fact that the dissertation isn't completed yet. Getting back to work has been quite difficult and I am more anxious than I would like to be.

FedEx has also been giving me a lot of trouble and a customer advocacy representative finally assured me today that I will be able to pick up my package with the paperwork I need to submit to UCLA. They "misplaced" the package, can you believe it.

But I do know that if I weren't already so stressed out and anxious, I wouldn't let this incident affect me the way it has. I look forward to walking to this FedEx store to pick up my package. They won't even deliver it to my apt. Ridiculous.

Okay, time to let go. Sigh.


  1. Back to the mundane work life? May you find JOY there!! :-)

  2. actually, i think routines make me feel better, including a work routine.:) once i get my work and exercise routines set in place, i *should* be fine!!

    but right now it looks like i might have to forego the exercise, sigh . . . .

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I need more excitement in my life...the mundane working life and the shrinking social circle is making me depressed. Hopefully your life will be a lot more colorful than mine. You should start playing badminton soon, it'll give you something to look forward to.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    i dont like fedex too. i feel ups and usps are wayyy much better- cheaper, deliver to the door with lil hassle, and less unfriendly staff

  5. sy: i don't know what it means yet to have a "mundane" work life!!! it may be hard and i may be stressed out but it's not "mundane.":):):) but i will say that appreciate your work when you can do it easily!!!!! as for the shrinking social circle. you're right, that needs to change. no time for badminton right now lah!

    jlee: i agree with you!!!! seriously. why use fedex??? i lodged a complaint as a result of my experience.
