Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Finally managed to successfully donate blood for the first time in about 5 months! After the last botched attempt that left my arm bruised and stiff for weeks, I was really stressed out and scared this time but all went very well and I even managed to fill up the bag in less than 15 mins! But now I'm feeling very tired and a little light-headed. I was already tired after last week's marathon writing, moving, and cleaning activities but now all I want to do is roll over and go to bed (3:50pm).

The only thing that stops me from going home and reading on the couch is the fear that my upstairs' neighbor's kid(s) might be running around.....yeah. I can't believe it either. My landlords lied to me about that! Because I know that soundproofing in the US is HORRIBLE especially in apt buildings, I always ask if there are kids in the unit above me. Always. And the landlord said, no, you don't hear anything except in this little corner of the living room. B_llsh_t!!! And these kid(s) don't sound like they go to bed until 10pm!

So far they haven't woken me up in the morning although I do hear them once I am up and I hate the thudding and the running back and forth. I'm sorry. People with kids should not live in apts with wood floors if they are in an upper unit. It's just wrong.

Well, that got my blood up. Maybe I will be able to go back to my book. It's not serious reading at this point since I'm giving myself a bit of a break after sending a revised draft of Chapter Three to a friend this morning. YES!! That is out of the way. Hopefully I'll be back working on other parts of the project tomorrow. Writing can still be really stressful and painful but it is qualitatively better than dissertating even though it is the same kind of writing. I'm working on the same project after all but for some reason, work is more enjoyable post-dissertation. Funny, that!


  1. I can empathize with the noise factor. My house has wooden floors and "hollow" wooden walls. I would get upset when my son used jump out bed (from the top bunk)and wake me up with a start!

    And when he plays his music with his bass "sub woofer" (or whatever that is called) it would drive me mad as he hears the beat with his music and all I hear from my room is a horrible bass thumping sound.

    Any loud noise can be heard in my room!!

  2. at least you can ask your sons to be more quiet!! (theoretically, you should be able to.)


  3. Oh yes, I certainly tell them!! :-) But often it is too late :-(

  4. That totally sucks! It would be nice if the two of you could switch units somehow, so the kids would be below you.

    If I'd been here, I would have helped you move. I know how stressful and exhausting that whole process can be. Rest well!
