Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's been awhile since I last blogged, and that's mostly because I feel like I'm in a rut. Things keep happening but nothing really changes, so to speak, and I won't repeat myself yet again.

When I was praying with two other women at the end of a church home group meeting a couple of weeks ago, we got into a long discussion about my struggles with work and calling. It was my second time at the home group but it didn't stop the two women from asking questions and offering their thoughts! I liked it, actually. Some people might have felt they were too intrusive or interfering but given my pseudo super powers of invisibility, I appreciated the fact that they didn't "let me be." Anyway, they're both from the corporate world and one of them said, "Hey, in our work, we don't talk about whether or not someone's 'good enough.' We usually look for someone who is a 'good fit.'" In other words, my struggles with work might be a struggle of suitability.

A part of me think that's a euphemism. But another part of me wonders if they are right, and if they are . . . . well, what will that mean for the future????????

So, you see, things have happened but nothing has changed.


  1. A "good fit" ... hmmm... that makes good sense to me! More difficult is for you to figure out where you fit or whether you are just going through natural teething problems of a new job and environment...

  2. precisely and eggzackly!!!

    btw, the nouwen quote on your blog is really helpful to bear in mind.

  3. I agree with those women. If you're not happy with who you hang around, you probably just haven't found your tribe (not referring to you here, just in general), and if you're not happy with your environment, maybe you're better suited elsewhere.

    It's very hard. And it could always just be a matter of finding your sea legs... if you still feel the same after a year, you might want to consider change.

    When it's just you hammering out something on a paper, does that make you happy? What part of your job excites you? Reaching out to the students? The actual writing of papers? The praise from colleagues with a job well done? I would try to focus on the things you love about it for now. And if you don't like any of it... well, that's cause for an existential crisis!
