Wednesday, October 13, 2010

sick and tired

Well, it looks like I won't be allowed to exercise with my arm for at least another week. It's tough when you can't work out to get rid of stress!! October is a rough month for me because I have two work-related deadlines besides teaching prep. And my MA students are turning in short papers next week--50 papers to grade over Fall break!

I'm thankful for.....the good weather we've been having! Sun and blue skies today, plus cooler winds....(but no windsurfing allowed, aagggh!) Just kidding. I'll stop with the complaints now.

Blood drive on campus this week so I'll donate tomorrow and take time to rest after that. If I don't get enough rest, I'll probably get sick soon. Leading my church home group in lectio divina on Friday evening.


  1. Leading my church home group in lectio divina on Friday evening.


  2. :) i think it went well. but it was also very very very obvious that those of us living in hk had a hard time sitting still in silence. we saw a record number of ppl get up to use the bathroom!!!!!

  3. oh, and for an ice-breaker, i asked everyone to describe the best thing that happened to them that week. you should've seen the look on everyone's faces. they thought it was a very difficult ice-breaker!!!
