Friday, September 23, 2011


I happen to have a very busy social schedule this week: Mon-gym, Tues-dodgeball, Wed-badminton, Thurs-badminton, Fri-badminton, Sat-badminton, Sun-massage+lunch, and then Mon, dinner at a friend's place. I usually don't play so much badminton but so far I am loving my week! I'm also looking forward to a quiet Sun night at home.

Wed's session wasn't as fun because the group doesn't have players who are consistent, and paradoxically, when that is the case, it becomes harder to play well and you end up moving more because you can't anticipate the rallies (how do you anticipate strange shots?). I loved last night's session because when you play with people who are good at the game, you do have to move a lot and think a lot and each game is always different, but every rally seems like part of a well-oiled if everything is the way it should be.

One of my favorite routines now is the journey back from my favorite badminton clubs: first take the MTR to Causeway Bay, and then on my walk from the MTR station to the minibus station, buy a stick of boiled beef/fish-balls, and finally as I walk by the folks selling juice, get a cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice, with no sugar or milk or anything else. The wait for the minibus can sometimes be long esp on Sat nights, but I don't mind if I have my beefball stick and carrot juice!!

I can't explain just how happy this makes me. And I get to do this again tonight and tomorrow night!!!!!!!!


  1. Nice that the title is JOY not FUN :-)

  2. :) the badminton part was fun, but i suppose it's a bit strange to be happy with just a stick of fishballs and a cup of carrot juice!! that is joy!!!!! ;)
