Thursday, October 06, 2011

poopy face

Recently, a friend said some things that really hurt me. That friend may not have meant to hurt me but sometimes I wonder why people are not more careful with their words. Surely everyone knows that certain topics or issues are hurtful so why turn those things into a joke? Friendship does not mean one can be rude or take liberties with another person's feelings. My way of dealing with this problem is to avoid the friendship for awhile until I can go back. I don't trust myself to say anything right now.

But I learned two lessons yesterday that are precious to me for the simple fact that they came in a quiet whisper. (No, I didn't hear an audible whisper, but these thoughts brought peace and calm with them.) Some lessons come with thunder and lightning, and these ones were gentle:

1. I realized that I felt like a boat being tossed about in the storm all over again. Then a little voice said: "But when Jesus walked on water, he did it in a storm."

2. Women let the world fix their worth too much. Popular culture shapes normative ideas of feminine beauty (shape, size, height, accoutrements, etc.), and consequently, they fix our value as women too because they tell us that we are valued based on how attractive we are to men. But those aren't biblical values at all, and it really irks me when Christian women friends reproduce those beliefs or assumptions in their friendships. Really, I don't need to hear it from you. Sigh. What does it mean to be a woman of God?

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