Thursday, November 17, 2011

of spiritual disciplines

Why am I on an FB fast again?? Why??? And why did I say I would go off of it for SIX WHOLE WEEKS???? I must have been out of my mind!!!! It is Day 5 of the fast and I'm feeling lonely and isolated. I need my social media!! What's wrong with social media????

This spiritual discipline is not fun at all, but as Nouwen might say, it does reveal my need and dependence on others' affirmation and company. Yes, we all need to belong to a community but leaving my FB community for awhile won't kill me. Still, I shouldn't have decided on a SIX-WEEK fast. Fasting is not my favorite spiritual discipline.


  1. hahaha. Tough ... But when it is over, would love to read about the full experience.

  2. Lesson #1: i feel very lonely.
