Saturday, October 21, 2017

Leaning on the prayers of others

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, we praise you for your extravagant love that gives us hope, joy, and courage.
We praise you for your love that never lets us off, never lets us down, and never lets us go.
We praise you for your sovereignty and your holiness and that they are saturated in love.
We praise you for dealing with our fears, touching our lives, and healing our brokenness.
We praise you that in your wisdom and grace you did not leave us to try to find you in our own strength or to doubt the reality of your loving-kindness and mercy.
We praise you for always being there when we needed you most, for being there when we least expected it, for being with us when no one else could be there and no one else wanted to be there.
We praise you that every time we look to Christ we are reminded there is nothing he does not know about us and nothing he does not understand about our lives.
We praise you that you come to us again and again. You lift us when we are down and hold us when we are hurting; you fill us with your grace and share all the twists and turns of our lives.
Mighty God, wonderful Savior, living Lord, by your Holy Spirit enable us to give you the praise and glory you deserve. May the song we have begun ring out through all the world and to the end of time.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
- by David Clowes

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