Monday, July 16, 2007

blessings again

Had a wonderful walk and then a very nutritious dinner with an old friend and old roommate, E, who is a Nutrition PhD. E and I are very different in temperament, as different as could possibly be, I think. But over the years, I think we've learned how to get along with and appreciate one another!

E just spent about a year in Afghanistan and has been back trying to write up her dissertation. We had a very good conversation about various things, and our conversation actually confirmed that something I'm thinking of doing could be the right thing to do.

It was very restful to be with someone who understands how I operate and accepts me for who I am and what I can offer.


  1. Nutritious and tasty combo in food? Add that to good conversation and full acceptance of self? Blessings indeed! That is such a gift :-)

    BTW, most of the the food I love seems to be bad for my health

  2. that's easy . . . all you have to do is cut out all the bad food and eat only good food . . . your taste buds will change. i still have "junk food" days where i indulge in junk food but only with my friend jade. (we're junk food buddies!)

    a lot of the bad stuff is addictive. sugar esp is VERY addictive. that's why i try not to have it except when i'm out with other people. i try not to keep it at home because once you start having "a little bit" everyday, the craving grows. serious!

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    z :) i am having one of the most boring trainings at the moment. SAP. i wouldn't even go about telling youa bout it, coz that will take an entry. Gek sim sits next to me. I"ll say hi to her on your behalf, n i'll respond for her too.

    HI Z! :;

    yea, m that bored...

    I want to go home really.
    doing some of the most tedious programming stuff now. blah.

    Badminton was amazing yesterday...
    realy really amazing, I could have sworn i saw some jumping smashes by the uncles


  4. :) at least you get to sit next to gek sim and be bored together . . . :)

    wah, jumping smash! no joke!! :p

  5. Good times. I'm glad to hear that you're hanging out with people who accept and appreciate you as you are : )
