Saturday, July 14, 2007


I went to my first pilates class today, and it was hard. The class definitely made me work out muscles I never knew I had. Actually, to be more accurate, it made me work out muscles that I never knew I never had!

My past back problems--no, I'm not a hypochondriac, I really do have all these problems!--have been concentrated on my lumbar and while I am doing MUCH better now after chiropractic care, trying to do some of the pilates exercises revealed just how atrophied the muscles in that area are!

There was just no way I could've done the exercise that would have required me to bring my legs and back up over my stomach and head (reverse bridge?) much less do that holding the exercise ball between my legs. That was so impossible for me I just gaped in astonishment at the instructor and the other folks in the class.

Needless to say, this revelation alone is spurring me to drop my regular gym workout (cardio and light weights) in favor of the pilates sessions because the classes run during the times I would've gone to the gym anyway. I need to strengthen my lower back and clearly my gym workouts aren't helping! My gym workout has helped overall but now it's time to target my back muscles and pilates seems to be better for that.

Academics have horrible posture, back problems, and carpal tunnel. I want none of that.


  1. I must say I admire your commitment to physical exercise.
    I must confess that I now have 2 exercise related machines cramping up our tiny hall.
    One is a AB exercise machine that I bought (and and still paying) for my son who so badly wanted it. The other is a leg exercise machine given by a church member whose kids have outgrown it.

    I have started to use them daily (but like 3 minutes each only ... hahahaha) as I want to go slow and I ams o lazy ... but I must admit that after a few days I do feel a bit of differnece. There is a definite difference for my son(as in older one ...

  2. no help, i think, because if i don't work exercise into my schedule, i will sit in front of my computer the whole day, every day of the week!!!!

    at least your job forces you to get up and move a lot!!!!

    and i also think it helps to be already fairly small--people who are smaller have less to carry around, thus they have less disincentives to work out!!!

    plus i've always love sports and moving about. :):)

  3. I wish I could take a Pilates class! I hear they're amazing! They're all the rage in LA, but they're SOOO expensive because they're so popular now... well, those and stripper pole dancing classes : )

    I hope it transforms your back!
