Wednesday, June 03, 2009


Haven't really been blogging much because I've been feeling really fatigued and also out of sorts. I will teach my last class this Friday and my students turn in their finals next week. My postdoc group had our last seminar yesterday and we're meeting for lunch with one of the deans today. I usually have trouble sleeping after a seminar dinner because it's too stimulating and we usually end around 10pm. As much as I've enjoyed their company and as much as I will miss them, I will happily hunker down and become a hermit for awhile . . . without guilt or condemnation.

It's been an amazing year where I've learned a lot and I've also learned to do a lot of difficult things; difficult for me, that is. After this final push, I need a break so that I can reflect on the past year. I can't take a long break though because I need to write two chapters this summer!!!


  1. Ge ready for another amazing year ahead of you

  2. thanks, but i don't really want to think about that right now. i just want my year to be over. soon.

  3. You did it! You're almost there. Huge milestone. Kudos.
