Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Luckily, I don't suffer from headaches like some of my friends but I get what I think of as the "heavy head" syndrome. That's when I can't seem to hold my head upright and all I want to do is hold my head in my hands. I'm having an attack right now. I turned in a seed research grant that is supposed to be automatically granted to new profs at my institution but I've just been told that I have 10 days to revise it because the project sounds too advanced.

Advanced my foot! I've barely begun this work!! So now I have to go back and do more work to make it seem more like a pilot project. Thanks a lot, really, thanks.

Went for a short run yesterday now that my cold symptoms have cleared up but by the end of the run, I was close to blacking out. I'm going to try another short run this evening, and that will give me an indication of whether or not I'll be ready to go running tomorrow with my home group from church.

1 comment:

  1. It kind of sounds like some sort of anxiety attack or something. Have you thought of seeing a therapist? Or maybe I'm just projecting, as I have my first therapy appointment next week! I really should have done it ten years ago...

    Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon.
