Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Democracy is way tiring

Monday, September 22, 2014

more time on my hands

I feel more relaxed and have more time to do my own thing when my close, single girl friends begin a relationship because they no longer have to talk about their day with me. I'm happy to talk with them, of course, but sometimes, I really don't need to hear about what happened at the office, or what movies they want to watch or like to watch. I'd never tell them that, of course. But I'm very happy for them!!!!!!!!

I hope this doesn't make me a terrible person.....

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Went to the campus christian faculty prayer meeting today, and it was so nice to just pause and be reminded we're a part of God's work, and not that God is a part of our work. Thankful also for senior faculty members who are calm and kind. 

Just reminds me that I need to ask God to make me gentle.....

Monday, September 08, 2014


Starting Monday off with this unexpected, exhilarating thought: "I love my life."

Wednesday, September 03, 2014


We may be caught up in a historical moment. China has been flexing its muscles over HK, and the organizers of Occupy Central may be gearing up for major protests. Student unions in the major universities all over HK may also participate in these protests but hold them on their campuses.

I'm proud to say that my faculty has decided to support our students in what they choose to do. I've offered to reschedule my classes to the evening or the weekends as a measure of support.

I must say that I don't like to disrupt my lessons, and I don't like it when my students can't attend my classes. Personally, these strikes may hurt the students as individuals, and it is a cost that the university community has to bear. But we also need to send a message that will be loud and clear to the Chinese government that HK is part of China, but is prepared to fight for democracy, and for an independent judiciary.

Business cannot go on as usual, but how do we do it in a way that hurts China, and not us? But if we do not pay the cost now, the cost we pay later will be much higher. Oy vey. God, grant wisdom and courage to those in positions of leadership, as well as to the rest of us.

Monday, September 01, 2014

Fall 2014

And, the stress is back! I can't say I've missed the stress, but hey, it's back!

Some of it is exciting. I'm excited to teach a new class, and I'm excited to see some of my favorite students who have signed up for my classes. I'll miss the students who have graduated.

The faculty is going through a search for a new dean, and one of the candidates is really amazing. His/her accomplishment is way out of the ballpark, and I'd never be able to replicate that kind of track record. But his/her energy and enthusiasm is inspiring. Something I learned: recognize the problems for what they are, but use as much positive language as possible because you come across as being ready and equipped to solve the problem.

Some people complain a lot (seriously) but they just come across as bitter and impotent. Note to self....

I would like to be productive this year. I really, really would.