Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bersih 4

Praying for folks back home

Monday, August 24, 2015

HK visitors

As always, I get a ton of visitors in HK, and this summer was no exception: Irene, Al and family, Jenny S. (Liz's friend), Beh, Esther, Adria (technically she is from out of town if she lives in SG with her family now), and Wen. What's really stressful this year is how most of them are visiting in the last two weeks of the summer.

The last two weeks before ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE again. They should've come in June is all I'm saying. Can I get a ticket to a deserted island, please?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


It is not as hot these days but I sweated the most last night this entire summer. Even though it didn't feel hot, sweat was literally dripping off my shorts.

But man, I love this game.

Also thankful for a smart and kind boss, and colleagues who take the time to read drafts. They're indispensable.

Thursday, August 06, 2015


Stress levels have gone WAY UP again. I really need to calm down. I'm thankful that I'm reconnecting with some old friends and in a meaningful way, and I'm very thankful for kind and supportive senior colleagues. But it ain't fun to be on the receiving end of critiques. Very thankful that they are taking the time to look through some of my shorter documents, but I wish this process were over. For someone who hates criticism, I sure as hell chose the wrong profession!

(And if you tell someone you have "lots of comments," please don't delay in setting up an appointment to talk it over because the other person won't be able to relax until she or he finds out what those comments are!)

Wednesday, August 05, 2015


Someone who I thought was an enemy at work turned out to be really supportive at a meeting yesterday, and I think she may be wondering why I haven't sought her out earlier. I explained that I try not to impose too much on any one person's time. We may see the world in very different ways and don't really understand one another well, but in her own way, she wants to be supportive and kind.

My boss has also been extremely supportive and kind, and that's a really wonderful experience to have. So while I did start of the week with a loss--I've never broken a racket before--things are looking up. It's nice to have an upward trend. But I really should be more focused at work too. Oh, August.