Friday, August 04, 2006


I know it's a small thing to be miffed about . . . but do you have friends who seem to have no recollection of certain kinds of conversations even though you've had those conversations at least twice? If I remember telling X about a certain thing, shouldn't X remember that certain thing? Kinda makes me feel like that person wasn't really listening in the first place anyway.

This is why I'm the kind of person who has many acquantainces and few friends.


  1. I understand your disenchantment, Z! But don't take it too personally because I know that I have the memory of a flea! Some of us just have bad memories! I don't remember anything I TELL people... my sister's always like, remember when you went to the park and saw that guy pooping in the bushes... and I don't even remember going to the park until she tells me I did it! so yeah, don't take it personally; not all of us were blessed with the memory of an elephant : )

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Yeah. Pisses me off. Esp if it's an important thing. But MOST of the time if they ask me to repeat myself it's either *not critical info* OR they were distracted.

    Unlike me...who always remembers everything ppl tell me...(hahaha)
