Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Six Weird Things About z

There are more than six weird things about me, but I guess that's the limit I'm allowed to post. :) Alwyn's weirdness-es aren't even that weird! But here goes:

1. My strange health fixations. I can't elaborate on them because there are too many, but anyone who's traveled in a car or plane with me know that I am anal about my back (I carry 3 pillows with me). Chiropractic care and nasal irrigation are probably the two weirdest things I do in terms of personal health practices.

2. My awful laugh. I think I sound like a cross between a banshee and a seal. I can't help it. The more you take me by surprise, the higher my pitch. My closest friends think it's cute, everyone else is just horrified.

3. I have no sense of direction. None at all. North, South, East, West . . . none of that orders my universe, and the very sight of a map nauseates me. Thank God for mapquest and landmarks. I don't mind getting lost because I've gotten lost so often that I know I will always find my way to my destination . . . eventually.

4. I hate writing. People always assume that I do what I do because I like to write--I don't. Writing is a useful practice, and it forces me to work through my thoughts, but I find writing to be very painful, difficult and draining.

5. I hate being at social events, and I especially hate being at social events where strangers outnumber me and my friends. A number of people have told me that they never thought of me as "shy"--which is strange to me--so maybe I come across as "confident" . . . or "arrogant"? Because of my posture (see Weirdness No. 1), I think I generally look poised even if I'm uncomfortable, awkward, or afraid. Basically, if I'm not hanging out with people I've known for a year or more, I'm uncomfortable, shy, and afraid. The older I get, the more suspicious I become of people too, and I find it much harder to develop friendships. Maybe I'm just too tired (people drain me), or maybe I'm disillusioned and cynical, or maybe I care less now . . . . I don't know. I still have to work on this.

6. I love watching TVB Cantonese serials. People usually give me a hard time about this because I'm supposed to be "so intellectual" but hey, we all need our vices, and TVB dramas help me relax. It's also helpful because it's clearly not a genre that I "work on," so I don't feel a need to analyze it. :)

I really could go on and on about my many idiosyncracies, but maybe I should go back to thinking about my dissertation chapter . . . !!!!

I guess I tag anyone who reads this, and who hasn't actually blogged about it yet!! Lai Zen? S__w Y_ng? Cat? Wesley? Thewallah?

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Okay, I played nice and did the tagging, but no more!! : )
