Friday, November 21, 2008

life is fun

Today, I found out that I will have to learn to do very quickly what I already knew I would have to learn to do but I hadn't yet started learning to do what I need to do now. A fire has been lit under my butt and even though I know this is good for me, I just wish the stakes weren't quite so high. This is what happens when you think, "Oh, well, I have time . . . ."

Yes, this is work related. I knew that this year would be an exciting year but somehow, nevertheless, I always seem to be taken by surprise. Maybe I need to learn to work as if I don't have time and never will have the time . . . . then again, that sounds like a recipe for heart disease.


  1. one page at a time, girl, one page at a time. or 2 pages a day, right?

  2. :):) not worried about quantity for this particular task. worried about QUALITY. :p
