Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I spent this Thanksgiving volunteering at a celebration for the homeless and others who need a place to go, organized by a few churches in the area. Besides food, people could also come for haircuts or to see a doctor. It was a little chaotic, so for a very short while, I helped out at the podiatric medical station. I helped wash people's feet. That wasn't at all easy for me! Some of these feet looked like they hadn't been washed in ages. And I'm a bit OCD, so . . .

Thankfully, that didn't last long and I was shifted to the dining room where I was a "runner," i.e. someone who runs from the table to ask for more food (how many plates, etc.) or to get more juice/water/napkins, etc. That was a lot easier although some of our visitors were equally unwashed. I was very impressed when I saw families there volunteering together. Some of these parents/grandparents brought young kids there to help out in any little way, and I thought that was amazing and wonderful.

As I was leaving the auditorium after a few hours there, I bumped into an elderly couple and offered to drive them to the bus stop which turned out to be very far away. I don't know how they would've made it as the lady had a lot of trouble with her hips. It turns out that they just moved down from SF and are staying with friends until they find an apt. Well, I didn't ask too much more because I didn't want to pry. But these are hard times.

By the time I got home, I was too tired to go back out to a Thanksgiving dinner hosted by a couple from Alt_er. I didn't really feel like going anyway because I don't really know this couple (was invited by another friend from the same church). A bit too shy, although it would've been good for me to meet more ppl from the church.


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving to you! It's easy to be anti-social and perhaps "wallow in self-pity". This applies to me but maybe not to you. I was contemplating skipping a friend's invitation when I knew I'd be the only non-Korean there. When my colleague invited myself and a few other colleagues to her place, I thought that would be my life-line out of the first invitation. I ended up going to both parties and had a blast. We have to be more open-minded and make the effort :) It's hard to make new friends, that's why I'm not moving again!!! (until I move back to M'sia)

  2. well, at that point i thought i was going black friday shopping with a friend, having dinner with friends on sat AND sun night, so too much socializing for me . . . it turns out we didn't go shopping on black friday anyway . . . :)

  3. meaningful way to spend your thanksgiving - by helping others. i spent thanksgiving helping a friend fry a turkey! my first time. had fun but less meaningful, at least from the perspective of helping others.

  4. kian ming, don't worry, i've spent many other thanksgivings eating and celebrating with friends! this is the first time i've volunteered and i really enjoyed it. i'll probably go back next year! i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i won't have to wash feet though. :) but of course, if there is a need, i will step up.

    frankly, i've always wanted to try deep-fried turkey but have never had the chance!!!

  5. seems to me you had a good time volunteering. It would have been even more fun and fulfilling if you had a bunch of good friends doing this with you.

  6. paul, you're absolutely right.
