Saturday, December 12, 2009

I need to take deep breaths. DEEP BREATHS. deep breaths. Deep BREATHS. breathe. breath. BREATH. BREATHE. breathe. Breathe. breathe.

What's funny is that I've been listening to sermons online thanks to a friend's recommendation and now is the time to practice what I've learned. I really like her former pastor's sermons because they are so learned and they bring the biblical texts to life. Who says education's boring????

Click on E_rl P_lmer's sermons on this site. I've especially enjoyed his series on advent. Just yesterday, I prayed that I would find joy--its etymological root is "surprise"--this Christmas because thus far, I've been worrying more about my upcoming move than preparing to remember Christmas. And late last night, my friend who was pretty sure that he was going to buy my car from me told me that he couldn't get a loan and now I have to find a different buyer. Lord, this wasn't the surprise I had in mind!!!

It seems like such a small thing but I became so much more anxious than I want to be and I don't know why I let this get to me!!!!!!!

On the upside, I'm finally getting over my cold, I think, and hopefully, very soon, I'll be able to dive back into the mountain of work that I need to finish before Christmas. (It would help not to worry, z, it really would.)


  1. Ta for the link .... one day ...

    And may you recover fully soon!

  2. recover from anxiety? yeah, i hope so too. ;)
