Friday, June 15, 2007

Short posts

Maybe if I put up short posts from time to time, I'll be able to get more thoughts out. If I forced myself to sit down and write everything down, I'll never do it for being so overwhelmed.

Every time I go back to Bates, I'm a better person. I like who I am when I'm there. And this last trip back reminded me of who I used to be, or who I can be, or who I'd like to be--I haven't figured out which.

But here are a couple of things on my mind (maybe this won't be a short post after all!):

#1 : I don't care as much anymore. I don't want to know, I don't want to think, I don't want to feel, I don't want to do anything. I never used to be this way. I think I used to be engaged, incensed, informed, and active. Now, I just want a quiet life that seems to be made up of my dull, mundane, daily life, with some contact with a few people I just happen to care about. The world can be horrible (and it is), but as long as I don't know about it, that's okay.

This is worrying.

#2 : I'm forgetting what it means to care for people and how to be a good friend. Going back to B_tes reminded me that one of my strengths is listening. Listening is both a gift to myself, and to the person with whom I am in conversation. I learn a lot of cool stuff when I take the time to listen to people talk. If I don't make time to allow people to talk, I won't learn as much. And these days, I run away from people, I won't make time to listen, and really, I just don't care anymore.

This, too, is worrying.

How did I get to where I am?


  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    you just sound burned out. i can totally relate to that. get some rest and love from the Savior, and loving others should come naturally from that. i recommend reading 'leap over a wall' by eugene peterson.


  2. thanks, karen. will look that book up! it's about king david, no?

    you tried calling me last week--we never got to talk, but i'd love to talk sometime next week. this weekend, for some inexplicable reason, i'm packed with social events.

    but next week, if you have time . . . :)

  3. I understand what you mean. It's natural (although not good) for people to lose their idealism. I remember when I was a junior at Bates, my friend Meg and I were discussing what we wanted to do post-grad and Meg said, "Yeah, we gotta do this stuff while we're still young and idealistic, because that's definitely gonna fade away." We had a good laugh, in horror at the thought, but sadly, she was right!

  4. i remember meg!! she was nice! yeah, it just gets beaten out of you. well, we'll see.

    i saw carole and bill over the weekend, and they're idealistic still but well, they also have a nice life (which they absolutely deserve).

  5. You, you sound burned out ... frustrated ...
    cycle begins again? :-( (which on the bright side means you will come out of it in time

  6. Yeah, wasn't Meg great? I wonder what she's up to...

    Maybe you should talk to Carole about this. My guess is that she's had a lot of problems in her life, too, and probably wasn't always this happy and together. She may have advice for you.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. I can only imagine how difficult grad school is. And you're in one of the top schools in the nation to top it off... that's no picnic! I wouldn't expect anyone to be overwhelmed with joy going through that...
