Thursday, August 09, 2007

a few scattered thoughts

Feeling a little emotional today. Stress? That time of the month coming (I hope it doesn't come this weekend because of the canoe trip)? Maybe I'm a little off because I couldn't sleep very well last night (couldn't really breathe last night because of my cold). Anyway.

Progress on what I need to do this week is going slow, but it is going and that makes me happy. I feel relieved, actually, and I suppose that counts as happiness!!

A little affirmation goes a long way. I spoke briefly with the pilates teacher today about how I still can't do certain movements, and I found it really helpful when she looked me in the eye and gently assured me that it's okay, different people find different movements difficult and that I'm actually doing really well. She reminded me what muscles I should be working and to be patient, that eventually I will be able to do those movements as well.

I was beating myself up today because a friend wanted me to help her move because she doesn't have a car and I said no because I felt like I had to focus on my work (with a mid-day break of pilates). I really felt like a horrible person.

Then a few hours later, another friend asked me if I could drive him and his wife to the airport in S_r_cuse (1 hr away) on Aug 20, and before they finished their sentence, I said yes immediately. So on the one hand, it would take much less time for me to help my friend move a carload than it would be for me to drive this couple (it would consume about 2.5 hours of my time), but it was so much easier for me to say yes in the second instance.

This is why:

1. The Couple have been my friends for 5 years or so, and my generosity is a poor reflection of their generosity to me. I've really only known Friend X for a few months at the most and not very well, at that. This doesn't mean that I want to help only those who help me, but I think it is true that I've come to care for The Couple in a deeper way.

2. I don't feel like Friend X even takes the time to listen seriously to what I have to say, although this is probably because of the stress in her own life. I need to be careful not to assume that this is because her character is flawed.

3. The Couple planned way ahead and gave me time to work my schedule around their need! Friend X asked me today, and she knows that I'm working on some really stressful stuff this week and I need to turn drafts in by Friday. Another friend emailed in the morning asking if I had time to talk later this evening, and I said yes and don't feel like it's a burden because this friend was very considerate of my time and isn't demanding a listening ear simply because it's something *she* needs done today, right now. When people show that they understand that I'm busy and therefore need to set boundaries for what I can do or give, I am actually much more willing to try and give more than I originally would.

(Notice how I'm not thinking of the financial cost of these favors, but of how much time it would take--although, money is really a form of labor-time!)

I often feel frustrated because most Christians don't understand what it means to be on the job market in the humanities . . . they're mostly in the sciences or the social sciences, and the job markets in those areas are much better right now. It really sucks when people dismiss the struggles I face because subsequently I am less inclined to share . . . which causes them to feel like I'm shutting them out . . . which then frustrates me even further.

I understand that I'm not supposed to worry or stress out, but I still struggle with it. I'm sorry, I do. Dismissing the fact that I am stressed (for very good reasons!) or just brushing it off does not help one bit.


  1. Life sure is complicated ... no easy answers ... but I do know the feeling. Ac ouole of people are putting pressure on me (as in being demanding on my time) and I do not want to oblige as I know (judgemental as it may sound) that the time spent will be again exhausting and the subject is basically self-centered ... my needs, and complains about everyone else not being there for them). And of course they figure it is my duty to do all this!

    It wold not be so bad I suppose if I had more energy and time and it is a one off thing but ... :-(

  2. I'm so glad you understand, and that you also sometimes feel the same way! If those people you're talking about were people who aren't so self-centered, you'd probably be more willing to expend time and energy--if you can afford it--on them, right?

    Well, that's how I would feel.:) I haven't figured out why though.:):):) I hope you're getting more rest in NZ than you were in KL!

  3. Absolutely. I believe that if someone requests a big favor of you at the last minute (a favor that should have been and could have been planned way in advance), it often shows that they're taking you for granted and don't really take you, your schedule and/or your time that seriously. They think it's all about them and you need to let them know that- no-it's not. Find another sucker, beeeyotch! I would have done the same thing.

  4. yeah, i thought about it more, and if she had said something like, "oh, i know you're busy but i was wondering if you had any time today to help me after you get your work done, that'd be great," i might have responded better.

    the i-need-to-move-in-the-morning-because-i -want-to-get-it-done-ASAP deal doesn't really work with me . . .

  5. Over the years I have offended a number of people offended when I respond "negatively" to requests in the vein of: "I need to talk to you about something very important" but they expect me to solve this important thing in 5 minutes, after church service, in between another meeting when there is "chaos" all around ...

    It upsets them because they think that I should drop everything and automatically give them my undivided attention.

    Often even when I gently explain that if it is really that important, trying to get me to help them in 5 minutes in between a dozen other things is not the best way to get good help or advice, they are offended.

    Best part is that I will press for inof as to how long have they been struggling with this important matter or some help they need and find out it has been months and is not really that urgent ... Still I ask them for a time to meet so I can give them undivided attention and they are always too busy (only free time is often straight after church). And I am even willing to meet a 6 AM or 11 PM to accomodate them ... But do they stop to think that they are not really serious? No ... the conclusion is that I am "insensitive"!

    Better still are some who say they want advice but they actually merely want someone to agree with what they have already decided ... easy to know when you probe ... and they get offended ... I have even had comments (quite often actually)along the lines of ... "It's personal, ok. I have my reasons and I do not want to disuss it." or "I do need feel comfortable sharing with people I do not know well." or "I just want you to tell me what you think." (and when I do, they argue "You don;t understand!")

    Good grief, then why come and see me? If it wasn't so sad, I would laugh!

  6. :):) i think i know what you mean. it's tough. i think we're afraid to admit that we're wrong . . . or something. tough! i can't believe people complain that you're insensitive!!!!!!!!!
