Monday, August 06, 2007


You know what I really hate? People who assume that I'm not busy. I'm sorry, I am busy, and I can't do a lot of things right now because I have a shit load of things to do and just because I want to be nice and do some nice things for people every now and then, it doesn't mean they can assume that I'm going to be their babysitter. Sometimes, I just need them to listen to me whine and to take me seriously just as I take them and their whining seriously too.

UGGH. I need grace to show grace, PLEASE!!!


  1. Yeah, I know what you mean. Being polite can get you into a lot of trouble... if you're too nice and accomodating, then people get the mistaken impression that you have all the time in the world...

  2. why do they do that?? why?? then if you're not nice and accommodating you're irritable or you don't trust people or cold. i'm BUSY and i'm TIRED, that's what i am. nothing more, nothing less. AAAGGGHHHHH.
