Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I don't know

Had a brief 10 minute meeting with my adviser an hour ago. When she asked me why I was feeling ambivalent about the job in S, I got a little emotional, and I don't even know why.


  1. Maybe you are just being you - just because you are an academic doesn't mean you always have to respond logically and be bereft of emotions :-)

    Especially since you area of work is literature, you gotta be a bit passionate with emotions or it would be so boring

    BTW, if I said it's because you are a woman, I might get shot down for being very un PC. LOL

  2. am currently at the C college interviewing! finished 1 full day, tomorrow another gruelling day!!!

    will respond after i get back . . . i'm tired . . .

  3. Anonymous12:22 AM

    take care! and Happy CNY :)
