I got back late last night from SF where I attended the annual conference in my field. Feeling very tired and hungover even though I didn't have any alcohol. The drive was long and complicated by events that I won't go into now. Actually, I don't think I'll talk about it in the future either!
Our journey was safe and there were a lot of good things about it but well, I'm still learning how to deal with feelings of annoyance and disappointment!!! It helps to keep reminding myself that people have different values and different conceptions of time but I can only repeat that to myself so many times before my blood starts to boil again. I was surprised when one of my (new-ish) friends in the car commented that I seemed very even-tempered and relaxed. However, as she wasn't the one who was annoying me, maybe she didn't notice that I was having a hard time keeping my cool.
Anyway, I was surprised that I had an amazing time at the conference. The two full days I was there, I was out and about for at least twelve hours each day running from one thing to the next! I spent a lot of time meeting up with old friends and acquaintances from grad school and thoroughly enjoyed myself listening to their stories and sharing some of my own. I'm learning that speaking up and telling my stories can do wonders not just for friendships, it also helps me in some indefinable way. I have much to learn about how much to say, when to pause, and when to ask the other person questions though.
The panel presentations that I listened to at the conference weren't as productive as the panels I attended last year, but I did enjoy them because I learned a few things I hadn't known or thought about before. And I realized just how far I have to go, and how young my work still is.
I also saw two of my teachers from graduate school--met up with one of them and had a brief conversation with another when I bumped into her on the street. I was very glad I had those conversations, however scattered and brief.
There's a new year's eve party tonight that promises to be really fun and I'm glad to be going. Hopefully I'll get to fit in a little more time of reflection before the party. I suppose I've already spent most of the morning in reflection but a little more time would be nice. I really should go back to work.