Monday, October 16, 2006


Am I intimidating?? Do I have a laser stare?? No, really, am I a scary person??

We've been doing interviews all weekend with the 19 high-schoolers who are applying to the dorm/Cornell. The foundation that funds our dorm also funds summer programs for high-schoolers who are then able to apply to live in the dorm.

Apparently, one of the boys I interviewed said (not to me, to other ppl) that I intimidated him because every time he looked at me, my stare was unwavering and intense, and he could feel this "rush of kinetic energy" (??), and it completely intimidated him so he had to stop looking my way.

I thought that was really funny because I was actually a little bored in the interview and my mind was starting to wander a little so I was trying really hard to focus on him and look interested and engaged.

But apparently all I managed to do was look scary and weird.


  1. Hilarious! I'm laughing out loud right now. Very funny. I guess we all see what we want to see. I think he was projecting his worst insecurities onto you. I've never thought of you as a scary person. Focused, yes. Slighlty omniscient, maybe... you're really good at reading people and reading between the lines... so maybe he felt a little transparent, which IS scary.

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    It scares me whenever you drool.

    Truly frightening ...


  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I get this feeling I'm gonna get banned from this blog one of these days ...

  4. cat: aw, thanks . . .

    thewallah: i think i would look scary when i'm drooling . . . so it's a good thing i don't drool that often. :)
